Using Windows 8.2  and copying large files over USB 3.0 to Segate Backup Plus USB hard drive -  I get the following error:-

Using Windows 8.1 and copying large files over USB 3.0 to Segate hard drive -  I get the following error:-

Error 0x80070079: The semaphore timeout period has expired

 Using Windows 8.1 with a 3 - 4TB USB Segate drive that is using Microsoft's bitlocker.    It seems I can copy small files w/out issues; however, copying large files and directories causes this error.  Connectivity is USB 3.0 from a Dell Latitue3 e6520 to Segagate drive. 

Can anyone share fix or determine methodology to fix?

March 15th, 2015 9:00am


Most of those errors I have seen were related to malware/firewall apps and not in win 8.1  I suspect this is a generic timeout error and bitlocker may be slowing the transfer down to where it times out.  It is an extremely rare error (only 2000 hits in Google)

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March 15th, 2015 9:09am

Thanks for your prompt response!   I had not experienced this before on any unbitlocked drives using Win7 or Win8 and  I agree that is appears to have something to do with bitlocker. When the error starts it will also continually prompt  for the bitlocker password.  At this point, I would not recommend that anyone uses bitlocker needing to transfer large files to external devices. 
March 15th, 2015 9:32am


IMHO I would not use bitlocker period.  I have seen far too many times when something corrupted the password file rendering the entire drive useless.  At the very least I would back up everything and frequently.

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March 15th, 2015 10:22am

Hi Joe,

Was the error gone when you turned off the Bitlocker from this drive?

If no, please refer to this similar thread's solution to resolve:

March 17th, 2015 2:08am

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